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Welcome to My Garden

I am Char Barnes, and I have been gardening at the same southwestern Connecticut house for more than twenty years. During that time it has gone from a neglected plot to a picturesque garden with paths and curved beds loaded with flowers. I have planted trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. 

Everything on this site is based on my personal experience and opinion, and I have plenty of both.

8 Reasons to Have at Least Two Places to Sit

8 Reasons to Have at Least Two Places to Sit

More precisely: 4 reasons to have at least one place to sit (even if it's tiny) and 4 reasons to have two places. I am surprised how many people only think about seating for meals or don't think about it at all. A seat where you can enjoy your coffee or go through your messages will get a lot more use than your second or third dining table.

One Seating Place:

  1. Garden seats look great. They make the garden look more inviting and "designed." Positioning a couple of lawn chairs in an unmown lawn can transform it into an inviting naturalistic landscape.

  2. It gives you a place to relax and enjoy the garden. Resting after some tiring work or just sitting to enjoy a breeze brings a positive association which will make you like the garden more. If your entertaining space is your only seating, make sure it's inviting to you when you are alone.

  3. Visitors will have more time to appreciate the garden. When you invite friends to see your garden, it gives them a chance to notice the details without having to endure your lecture.

  4. It gives you a reason to go outside. Gardens can often be viewed from a large window (especially small city gardens), and without an outdoor seat, you are less likely actually go out there.

Two Seating Places: 

  1. An additional spot makes the garden seem larger. This is especially important if your garden is very small: moving ten feet to a slightly different view forces your brain to reckon with a three dimensional space and it will feel larger.

  2. It gives you a different view to appreciate. I recommend having a seating area that looks back at your home. Most houses have great views of other people's houses, and yours is so much nicer!

  3. It creates a different environment. Most people want a space where they can cook and entertain, so creating a smaller, more intimate space makes the garden more versatile. It's also easier to create shade for a smaller space, which will be welcomed on hot, sunny days.

  4. The second space can be more personal. This is a great place to use your more eccentric ideas. Paint the seats bright purple or grow that plant no one else like there - judgey Aunt Sue can stay by the barbecue.

It's easy to spend an insane amount of money on seating, but it is unnecessary. Stackable chairs from the megamart are perfectly fine, and used garden furniture is usually a great bargain. You can also use stools, big rocks, tree stumps and logs. Also, most old kitchen chairs will usually last a season or two, so you can give a little extra life to things that will wind up in the dumpster. 

Favorite Self Seeders

Favorite Self Seeders

Dear Abby, My garden ignores its bedtime

Dear Abby, My garden ignores its bedtime